To mould technologically competent, industry adaptable, empowered and socially committed women professionals
M-1: Facilitate state-of-the-art skill and competency to serve the industry and society
M-2: Enhance technical skills and creativity through innovation in teaching learning process
M-3: Infuse technical skills and competency with values and ethics in the context of present industrial scenario
M-4: Implant leadership qualities and commitment to the society
Latest news
റെഗുലർ അഡ്മിഷൻ 24 -25 രണ്ടാമത്തെ അലോട്ട്മെന്റ് പ്രകാരം അഡ്മിഷൻ നേടുവാൻ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നവർ 18/07/2024 വൈകീട്ട് നാലുമണിയ്ക്ക് മുമ്പായി അഡ്മിഷൻ നേടേണ്ടതാണ്.
റെഗുലർ അഡ്മിഷൻ 23 -24 : ഒഴിവുള്ള സീറ്റുകളിലേക്കുള്ള സ്പോട്ട് അഡ്മിഷൻ 07/08/2024 മുതൽ 13/08/2024 വരെ നടത്തുന്നതാണ്. ഇതുവരെ അപേക്ഷ സമർപ്പിക്കാത്തവർക്ക് 01/08/24 മുതൽ ഓൺലൈനായോ വിവിധ ഗവ: പോളിടെക്നിക്കുകളിൽ നേരിട്ട് ഹാജരായോ അപേക്ഷ സമർപ്പിക്കാവുന്നതാണ്.
Government Residential Women’s Polytechnic College
Government Residential Women’s Polytechnic College, Payyanur was established under World Bank Assisted Technician Education Project (WBATEP) in 1991. It is a government Polytechnic under Directorate of technical Education. Electronics & Communication, Instrumentation Engineering, Computer Engineering and Computer Application & Business Management are the four emerging Diploma level programmes offered in this Institution.
We are the only Govt. polytechnic college for women in the state of Kerala with a “Residential” status

Parvathy A K
Principal's Message
On behalf of faculty and staff at Government Residential Women’s Polytechnic College Payyanur, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our institute’s web site. I sincerely hope you will go through all web pages and enjoy the numerous opportunities available to all the students who are part of our institute. Our goal as educators is to support all students academically and socially. We are aware that Education is a cornerstone of women’s empowerment because it enables them to respond to opportunities, to challenge their stereotyped roles, change their lives for better and be the potential partner in the entire development of family and society as a whole. Educational achievements of women can have ripple effects within the family and across generations. Until a decade, imparting basic education to women was the crucial need. But the rapid progress in human civilization and science and technology necessitated higher education to the womenfolk as they were still found in miseries and lurch. Therefore, it was strongly felt that only the higher and professional education could make them face challenging future and thus establishing a self reliant society for women. This institution endeavors to help women by providing different courses to enable and equip them to shoulder their responsibilities and take care of their socio-economic needs. This is achieved by imparting technical education with constructive venture, to prepare them for their challenges ahead. Our main aim is to prepare our students to become a symbol of confidence and expertise so that they could contribute in every sphere of life at personal and professional front. We are confident that those who are aspiring for a challenging career will find the right place at our institute for conditioning themselves with the right kind of skill and aptitude to achieve excellence in various fields of expertise. At the end, I pray to the Almighty for the excellent, prosperous and bright future career of the students. “
Programmes Offered
This institution endeavors to help women by providing different courses to enable and equip them to shoulder their responsibilities and take care of their socio-economic needs.
News & Announcements
Third edition of Annual Magazine of CABM department “Espirit” was published by Jessy Miss(Retired EC Lecturer)
Online Talk show was introduced during Covid 19 Pandemic by CAMSA. Many celebrities were the guest of this program
Computer engineering department conducted ISL Football Prediction Competition
CENSA conducted several colorful programs as part of International Women’s Day
Devapriya Kappumal of Instrumentation Department took part in Power Quiz(district level) conducted by KSEB representing institution
Aparna M of IE Department has won state level Badminton Championship & participated in National level competition
EC Department won second prize at North Zone Inter-poly Project Contest conducted by EKNM GPC Trikaripur IEDC
ECSA conducted product assembling industrial training collaborative work in association with INMADE embedded technologies.
ECSA conducted Quiz competition as part of National Science Day.
Krishnendhu PP of EC department won Bronze medal at National Arm Wrestling Championship
GRWPC Robotics Club conducted training series on Programmable Hardwares “Beginner’s Workshop on Arduino
Student’s Corner
2021-2024 batch farewell party organized by Union
2024-25 S6 semester hall tickets released
S2 semester registration as well as exam registration has commenced. It shall be open from 12th July 2024 to 20th July 2024
First series exam begins at 25/07/24/
click here for time table